
What is Therapeutic Listening®?

Therapeutic Listening is a sound-based intervention that is embedded in a sensory integration perspective. It has evolved from clinical work built on a foundation of developmental and neurological principles. Because the auditory system has connections to many parts of the brain, sound is a powerful way to access the nervous system and affect changes.

Therapeutic Listening involves listening to specially recorded and enhanced music on headphones as part of a daily home program. The program is highly adaptable to the specific needs of the client. The choice of music, type of modulation, listening time, and individualized activity program vary depending on the treatment goals and needs of the child. By monitoring the child’s progress in Therapeutic Listening, the therapist is able to change and adapt the child’s individualized program to meet treatment goals.

Vital Links has developed an extensive library of electronically altered music for use in the Therapeutic Listening program. The music gives the listener unique and precisely controlled sensory information to trigger attention and activate body movement. The music varies in musical style, type of filtering, and level of complexity, offering therapists everything from familiar children’s songs to Baroque Era orchestrations to sounds found in nature.

Typically, clients will use Therapeutic Listening twice a day for thirty minutes per session as part of a sensory diet. When combined with other therapy treatment approaches, Therapeutic Listening can have a significant impact on the client’s functional abilities and progress toward treatment goals.

Getting Started with Therapeutic Listening

In comparison to other listening therapy programs, Therapeutic Listening provides both practitioners and families an economical sound based therapy tool to augment the traditional sensory integrative treatment approach.

Therapeutic Listening is appropriate to use in a variety of settings, including but not limited to clinic, home, and school.  The design of this tool lends itself to successful collaboration between therapist, caregivers, teachers, and any other individual’s involved in the care of the client.

Once the client, as instructed by their Therapeutic Listening provider, has listened to and explored multiple music selections to determine which provide the maximum benefit, families may then request a customized Micro SD music chip or purchase recommended albums on the Therapeutic Listening App to use as a future boost.  By purchasing an individual library of music, families are able to independently implement Therapeutic Listening during periods of disorganization.

Become a trained Therapeutic Listening Provider:

There are several different options to become a trained Therapeutic Listening provider. By offering both live and online courses, our aim is to suit the needs of every individual and their unique learning style. To register online, please visit our Courses for you to view all the topics we host.