Vital Links Now
Vital Links Now, On-Demand Courses
Interested in viewing Vital Links courses on your own time and at your own pace? Welcome to Vital Links Now!
Vital Links Now is Vital Links’ on-demand platform that provides therapists the opportunity to view Vital Links courses on a day and time that fits their schedule. No longer do therapists have to wait until a course is offered live. Now therapists can gain the information that they want, when they want it.
Vital Links Now includes an assortment of courses taught by our Vital Links instructional team on a range of topics relevant to clinical practice. These courses have been specifically selected by our instructional team to augment the live online and in-person Vital Links course offerings; hence, Vital Links Now does not include all courses offered by Vital Links. Visit Vital Links Now often as new courses will be added to the on-demand course library.