
Therapeutic Listening

Therapeutic Listening

Learn every facet of implementing a Therapeutic Listening modulated music protocol from assessment to individualized program design. Multiple clinical case examples will be utilized to demonstrate matching of music to unique clinical pictures.



This course will explore the Quickshifts music albums that capitalize on the powerful impact of binaural beat technology and musical entrainment. These sound tools are a practical addition to match the demands of clinic, home, and school environments.

Astronaut Training

Astronaut Training

This course teaches a comprehensive sound activated, vestibular visual treatment protocol. Guidelines for safe effective use for clients of all ages and diagnoses will be discussed.

Building Blocks

Building Blocks

This course provides a detailed background on the links between Sensory Integration and the primary movement patterns (primitive and postural reflexes).

Vital Links Now

Vital Links Now

Our curated collection of Vital Links courses available now for on-demand viewing. Courses have been specifically selected to augment live online and in-person Vital Links courses.

Vital Links Mentorship

Vital Links Mentorship

Vital Links now offers individual mentorship sessions, either 60- or 30-minutes, designed for the therapist who has taken one or many Vital Links courses and wants to discuss the application of course content with their clients.

Regulation & Trauma

Regulation & Trauma

This course discusses the interrelationships between Sensory processing dysfunction and trauma and attachment disorders. TRE, a specific approach to the treatment of trauma disorders, will be introduced.

Sharpening Focus

Sharpening Focus

Sharpening Focus takes the Therapeutic Listening trained therapist to the next level. It introduces the Fine Tuning albums, as well as, their impact on auditory attention, auditory processing, self-regulation and learning.

Core Connections

Core Connections

This course presents a clear definition of core along with a play based screening tool. The intricate connection between core development and self-regulation will be discussed.

Eyesight to Insight

Eyesight to Insight

This course delves into the treatment of all aspects of vision from a Developmental Optometry and Occupational Therapy perspective.

Auditory Defensiveness

Auditory Defensiveness

This course will examine the different clinical manifestations of auditory defensiveness and discuss multiple options for creating client specific treatment protocols.

Sensation to Function

Sensation to Function

This course explores each of the sensory systems and their impact on arousal, affect regulation, organization of functional movement patterns that support attention and learning.

Bilateral Integration

Bilateral Integration

Learn the essence of bilateral integration from a cognitive, as well as, a physical perspective. Fabricate a water-filled tube called the “Flow”, practice a variety of total body flow moves, and more.

New Courses

New Courses

There are a variety of online and in-person courses that are new and may only be offered once. Because they don’t fit neatly in to our other course categories, we gave them their own.

Posture and Movement

Posture and Movement

Learn the Neurodevelopmental Treatment (NDT) problem-solving process, therapeutic handling, and clinical decision-making process when treating children that display motor and sensory problems.

Bone Conduction

Understand the power of bone conducted listening within the context of Therapeutic Listening as an adjunct to sensory processing based programs.

Clinical Conversations

Clinical Conversations

Thought-provoking Clinical Conversations developed to deliver practical, clinical information to support professionals in various practices.

Support for Listening

Postural Support for Listening

This practical, activity-oriented workshop is meant to augment the “Listening with the Whole Body” course. Content will focus on home and/or school programming recommendations for novel and exciting activities to use with Therapeutic Listening.

Performance, Precision, Power

Performance, Precision, Power

Learn to apply sensory diets, to design sensory-supportive environments, and the use of sound as a tool.

International Courses

International Courses

Partnering with therapists around the world to bring courses closer to you. See where Vital Links is traveling to next!