We do our best to help parents by including answers to common questions about Quickshifts as a tool. However, if you have unanswered questions, please contact your occupational therapist who can best assist you.
What is an example of a case study where a Quickshift was used successfully?
Joseph was a seven-year-old boy who experienced a host of challenges related to self-regulation. Joseph was raised by his grandmother, and although she loved him very much, she was concerned about Joseph’s defiant and aggressive behaviors towards her. In the morning before school, Joseph would become angry and frustrated while getting dressed and ready for the day. He would often kick and hit his grandmother and screamed, “You’re not my mom! I don’t want to live here!” In addition to behavioral concerns, Joseph had great difficulties sleeping at night and had a hard time making and keeping friends. Joseph’s therapist implemented Regulation into his home program to support his ability to modulate his arousal levels, emotions, and behaviors. After only one day of listening, Joseph awoke the next morning full of smiles and hugs for his grandmother. Even more, Joseph independently got dressed, ate his breakfast, and was ready to start his school day. Following the second day of listening, Joseph did something he had never done before—he told his grandmother that he loved her. Joseph continued to use Regulation to further support his behavioral and emotional control.
How are Quickshifts used?
There is no single correct way to use Quickshifts. The timing and frequency with which a person will listen to an album will depend on many individual factors.
Here are some general guidelines and standard practices.
- Listen to Quickshifts from start to finish. Each album has a slightly different duration, usually ranging from 15 minutes up to 22 minutes.
- Listening over headphones (circumaural, NOT earbuds) is preferred. Although, using speakers is also acceptable.
- Listen to Quickshifts once or twice daily or as a preparatory activity. An individual may use Quickshifts in a similar fashion to other auditory intervention tools (e.g., Therapeutic Listening) and may listen 1-2 times daily at designated times. However, an individual may listen on an as-needed basis or prior to activities or events that are typically challenging (e.g., math class, gym, work, after lunch, etc).
- Quickshifts can be used in a variety of environments. Whether in a clinic, hospital, or school setting, Quickshifts can be an appropriate therapy tool. Even more, Quickshifts lend themselves very well to home programs and sensory diets.
How do I listen to a sample of Quickshifts?
Please ask your therapist! Your therapist would be happy to preview samples of the Quickshift music for you.
How do I purchase Quickshifts?
First work with your therapist to determine which specific Quickshift album(s) would be the most appropriate at this time for you or your child. Then, you have many options below, whether you want it on an app, chip, or CD!
- Therapeutic Listening App If you have an Apple or Android device (e.g., phone, tablet, etc), you can access Quickshifts via direct download through the Therapeutic Listening App. Through this medium, you will be able to play any album that you have purchased at any time. We particularly find this format beneficial for home programs and school-based sensory diets.
Instructions for Therapeutic Listening App
- Music Chips You may purchase the Quickshift albums as microSD chips that take place of a traditional CD. In this case, you will want to use the Sansa Clip+ music player to play the music. Both chips and players can be purchased directly from Vital Sounds.
- CDs You may purchase CDs directly from Vital Sounds. We recommend using a portable, battery-operated CD player in this circumstance.