
What is Vital Sounds?

Vital Sounds is the sister company of Vital Links that sells Therapeutic Listening and Quickshift CDs and Music Chips, headphones, books and other tools for teachers, families and therapists.

To order our modulated music, you must be working with a therapist trained in Therapeutic Listening.

To visit the Vital Sounds website, click here.

Therapeutic Listening App

If you have an Apple or Android device (e.g., phone, tablet, etc), you can access all of our Therapeutic Listening and Quickshift music by direct download through the Therapeutic Listening App available at iTunes and Google Play Store. Through this medium, you will be able to play any album that you have purchased at any time. We particularly find this format beneficial for home programs and school-based sensory diets.

Instructions for Therapeutic Listening App

Download “Instructions - Therapeutic Listening App for Android” TL-App-Instructions-Android-rev.-03.19.19.pdf – Downloaded 13728 times – 780 KB

Download “Instructions - Therapeutic Listening App for Apple” TL-App-Instructions-Apple-rev.-03.19.19.pdf – Downloaded 23478 times – 872 KB

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