Therapeutic Listening

Listening with the Whole Body
Listening plays a vital role in the sensory integration process. In fact, some believe that the auditory system is the ‘missing link’ in sensory integration modalities. Both research* and clinical experience have shown that using sound-based interventions for clients with sensory processing difficulties can increase treatment effectiveness.
In this newly revised course, you will learn to use Therapeutic Listening® modulated audio selections (available on CDs, digital music players, and some mobile devices) to create individualized, home-based programs for clients. This course will provide a strong emphasis on practical application and explore the use of Therapeutic Listening within the context of multiple case studies. You will also learn how to implement Therapeutic Listening strategies in conjunction with postural, respiratory, and sensory activities. The course will take you through all of the steps–from assessment to outcomes–for creating complete Therapeutic Listening programs. Video case presentations will be used to illustrate points and show changes in individuals with listening and other sensory processing difficulties, including Autism, Cerebral Palsy, apraxia, anxiety, and Down’s Syndrome. The online format of this course will consist of live video feed of the presenter, and shared power point and video. Participants will be able to ask questions or make comments by typing into a chat feature. This course will be especially meaningful for practitioners who have a background in sensory integration, including therapists in schools, hospitals, and private clinics. Participants will gain the necessary background information to begin using Therapeutic Listening right away.
*Hall, L. & Case-Smith, J. (2007). The effect of sound-based intervention on children with sensory processing disorders and visual-motor delays. American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 61(2), 209-215.
Hear from people who have taken our Listening with the Whole Body course
Both instructors were wonderful-very informative. ~ALANA
Everything was great. The instructors were very inviting, clear in their presentations. They handled the flow well and vetted the questions properly and with sensitivity to how people might feel if their question wasn’t answered. Very well done! ~ANGELA
I felt like it was well targeted for variety within audience. Good prep and planning. I felt I benefited from the videos and then opportunities to make suggestions for music. ~ANNABELLE
Great job, especially considering the challenge of using the web. ~ASHLEY
Very well educated and prepared. Look forward to more classes from Vital Links. ~BROOKE
I enjoyed the instructors. It was A LOT of information but I think it is a program, like Tracy explained, that will become easier once we dive in and explore with our kiddos. The videos were great! ~CASSIDY
I really loved the thoroughness and thoughtfulness of the instructors without being too much info to digest. I liked that concepts were presented in a meaningful way with lots of good, real life examples. ~CHRISTY
I’ve seen the value of Therapeutic Listening in the clinic where I work, so eager to use it myself. Well prepared, thorough responses to questions, helpful bridging from concepts to clinical applications. ~ERIN