Sharpening Focus

Sharpening Focus

Fine Tuning Therapeutic Listening® Progressions to Address Attention, Learning and Praxis Difficulties

Sharpening Focus takes you beyond the basics of matching music and teaches an understanding of the specific use and application of a variety of electronic modifications of sound. This Advanced Therapeutic Listening course will assist the therapist trained in the basics of modulated music to gain a deeper appreciation of how difficulties with audition and auditory processing disrupt attention, learning and praxis. All aspects of the advanced use of Therapeutic Listening will be explored. Participants will learn how to support clients from their initial evaluation through selecting a listening progression of modulated music tailored to suit their individual needs, while subsequently enhancing current, clinical practice by expanding the potential musical library selections.

While the focus will be on the Fine Tuning libraries, we will also discuss clinically reasoning when to use selections from the various libraries (Modulated, Fine Tuning, Spatially Enhanced and Quickshifts), as well as, how to effectively blend them into an individualized treatment protocol. In addition, we will address the understanding of the use of both passive and active bone conduction, and its relevance to sensory integrative difficulties. A new tool, the Forbrain® will be introduced for use in Therapeutic Listening protocols.

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Sharpening Focus – Fine Tuning Therapeutic Listening Progressions – Live Webinar w/ Recording

October 3

This webinar (with recording access) takes you beyond the basics of matching music to a client’s needs and teaches an understanding of the specific use and application of a variety of Therapeutic Listening Libraries, including Fine Tuning and Quickshifts.

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