Astronaut Training

A Sound Activated Vestibular-Visual Protocol

Vestibular enhancement has always been central to sensory integration practice. However, the importance of administering precise vestibular input that is integrated with specific sound and vision input is only beginning to be acknowledged.

This course will expand the therapist’s skills via enhanced understanding of the developmental and neurological processes of the Vestibular-Auditory-Visual Triad. Understanding how these three systems work together with the body’s senses creates a foundation for achieving competency in applying specific intervention strategies, including Astronaut Training: A Sound Activated Vestibular-Visual Protocol.

Videos and case presentations will be used to demonstrate practical clinical activities focusing on activating the vestibular-visual-auditory triad, including Astronaut Training case examples.

Hear from people who have taken our Astronaut Training course

Mary, Tracy, and Sheila are all so knowledgeable. Clear information with practical case study information. ~ZELDA

The course and presenters were very well prepared. The resources were easy to access and the use of the videos really helped enhance the information, so that I will be able to implement these theories in my practice. ~WHITNEY

All 3 instructors did a great job presenting information in a clear manner. I particularly enjoyed Sheila and Mary’s guidelines and examples in using QS and Astro Training to translate the materials learned today to my own cases. Tracy did a wonderful job capturing my attention and making the materials easy to relate to and understand. ~VICTORIA

All are consistently excellent, updating information with new courses. Mary is so conversant in areas so important for clinicians. Always need a refresher on neuro and development and Sheila does this so well and relates cases/examples to connect with. Loved Tracy’s clarity and knowledge base too – all great! ~SUSAN

Everything in regard to the instructors was great. Covered materials thoroughly and with great explanation. Carefully answered questions pertaining to course. They were amazing! ~LEILA

Fantastic webinar as always! ~AMY

It was great. Thank you for the detailed content and the resources! ~JULIA

Upcoming Events


Astronaut Training – A Sound Activated Vestibular-Visual Protocol – Live Webinar

May 18 - May 19

This online course teaches a protocol to provide precise input to all five vestibular receptors, along with auditory and visual input to create a comprehensive treatment protocol which integrates the vestibular-auditory-visual triad. Guidelines are provided for safe, effective use of this protocol with clients of all ages and diagnoses.

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