An Introduction to TRE® with Sheila Frick

Welcome Video

Sheila Frick’s personal reflection on TRE

As a lifelong learner and explorer of development and neurobiology, I have a deep interest in the natural design of the body. Throughout my study, I have been especially curious about the neurophysiologic processes that are activated following exposure to perceived threat. In the case of individuals with sensory processing disorders, a perceived threat may be analogous to exposure to non-noxious stimuli and responding as if it were dangerous.

As occupational therapists, we are often looking at the influence of defensive responses on arousal, affect regulation, and our posture and movement system. Subsequently, we further examine the impact of high and/or fluctuating states of arousal on one’s attention and behavior. Over the years, I have been exploring how our defensive responding also deeply impacts our posture and how we hold ourselves in relationship to the world. When we are faced with a perceived threat, hardwired patterns of defense are triggered within the body (primitive reflexes and primary movement patterns) that underlie the muscular tension patterns. Just as we are wired for defense, we also have a natural reflex mechanism that allows one to release deeply held muscular and fascial patterns associated with defense.

TRE® is set of exercise developed by Dr. David Berceli that provides a safe and effective way to tap into one’s natural release mechanism. Through self-generated body movement, individuals can push the reset button. This set of exercises provides another avenue from which to release deeply held tension patterns and regulate the nervous system. To learn more about TRE certification and the work of Dr. David Berceli, please visit

Module 1 TRE training
Instructors: Sheila Frick and Jacy Sundlie
Course Dates: March 27 and 28, 2021
Course Hours: 10:00am – 5:00pm CDT
Platform: Zoom


For more information or to register for the training, contact:

Jacy Sundlie at: – OR –  1-970-948-5154


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