From Eyesight to Insight – Visual and Vestibular Assessment and Treatment – Vital Links Now

Limited Viewing Engagement. Registration opens August 30th & closes October 6th. Participants will learn directly from an occupational therapist and developmental optometrist how to capture the subtleties of visual-vestibular dysfunction, thus enhancing participants’ ability to optimize treatment planning.

From Eyesight to Insight – Visual and Vestibular Assessment and Treatment – Vital Links Now

Participants will learn directly from an occupational therapist and developmental optometrist how to capture the subtleties of visual-vestibular dysfunction, thus enhancing participants’ ability to optimize treatment planning.

Building Blocks for Sensory Integration – Vital Links Now

This on-demand webinar provides a detailed background in the links between Sensory Integration and the primary movement patterns (primitive and postural reflexes).

Exploring Auditory Defensiveness – A Comprehensive Approach to Assessment and Treatment- Vital Links Now

In this on-demand, online course participants will explore the functional implications of auditory defensiveness (and misophonia) and the direct link between the auditory system and primary movement patterns.

Misophonia: Extreme reactions to everyday sounds

Imagine that the sound of a close family members breathing made your heart pound or your muscles tense up. What if you felt like screaming and running away at the sounds of friends eating popcorn at the movie theater? These are some of the strong physiological and emotional responses that those who suffer from misophonia experience. If you are an adult, this…
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