Sensory Modulation and Developmental Trauma

Our inborn fight, flight, freeze responses are automatic responses that help us cope when faced with dangerous situations. When we feel threatened, these subcortical mechanisms are triggered automatically. When triggered, our bodies experience an increase in physiological arousal and in muscular tension that hastens our ability to escape from the perceived threat, and or prepare our muscles to engage for fight. When…
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Reflex Integration into Function: Do primitive reflexes ever disappear?

We all enter the world with an innate set of hardwired primitive movement patterns that ensure our survival and help organize the development of our postural control— moving from rolling, sitting, crawling, and eventually walking. They also provide the basic neurological framework for the organization of our perceptual-motor development—how we perceive and, ultimately, act on our world. They are not a simple…
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Getting the Most Power Out of a Sensory Diet

Any Internet search will reveal a countless number of activity suggestions for a sensory diet. Yet, what turns these suggested activities into an effective and precise activity regimen capable of influencing your client’s arousal level so that they can maintain their attention and stay organized throughout the day? “Selecting an individually matched activity can be more powerful than picking ten predetermined activities”   …
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Sensory Processing Challenges and Reflex Integration

What does it mean to integrate a reflex? Sensory Processing Challenges and Reflex Integration The primitive reflexes, or primary movement patterns, is a topic area that has generated significant interest and attention amongst allied health professionals. From an Ayers’ (1973) informed Sensory Integrative perspective, the primary movement patterns represent the building blocks for posture, balance, and overall regulation of arousal and affect….
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Tomatis® Convention PowerPoints

I was honored by my invitation to speak at the Tomatis® Convention this past weekend. It was a privilege to be among so many experts and fellow life-long learners. That’s why I’ve made my PowerPoints from this weekend’s presentations available below. If you’re looking for more information on the topics covered in the presentations, I go into much greater depth in my…
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