To Wear or Not to Wear Noise-Cancelling Headphones

Many OT’s use noise-cancelling headphones to treat hyper-responsivity to extraneous sound. But this may not be the best long-term strategy. Many clients exhibit hyper-responsivity to extraneous sound. So, it’s no surprise that, in such cases, many suppose the use of noise-attenuating headphones (headphones that muffle or cancel background noise) to be an apt treatment strategy. After all, when treating hyper-responsivity, what could…
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Free Quickshift Webinar Recordings

Quickshifts at Your Fingertips A short introduction to the use of Quickshifts. Learn more about Quickshifts Quickshifts vs. Modulated Music Learn the differences between Quickshifts and Modulated Music in treatment through examples. Learn more about Quickshifts

Misophonia: Extreme reactions to everyday sounds

Imagine that the sound of a close family members breathing made your heart pound or your muscles tense up. What if you felt like screaming and running away at the sounds of friends eating popcorn at the movie theater? These are some of the strong physiological and emotional responses that those who suffer from misophonia experience. If you are an adult, this…
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Making Therapy Delicious

One cannot think well, love well, sleep well, if one has not dined well.  -Virginia Woolf I decided to start a blog with the encouragement of many of my close friends and colleagues, as well as my family. The thought was to write about my clinical practice, giving other therapists a window into how to translate the discoveries we make from Sensory…
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