These treatment activities will support core activation if…

…the child is able to: assume the position against gravity while maintaining alignment of the head, neck, spine and limb girdles sustain alignment while demonstrating an unrestricted, dynamic breath maintain quality of control and strength of the head, neck, and spine with visual focus demonstrate continued strength and endurance while participating in activity in all planes of movement If you are missing…
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Avoiding the Summer Slide: How Families Can Continue with Therapeutic Listening® When School Is Out

As summer approaches, anticipation is rising at schools across the country. When you glance around the school, it is hard to tell who is more excited at the thought of warm summer days—the students or the staff. Summer is an exciting time for many, filled with a sense of freedom from the structure and routine of the school year. As therapists, this…
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Everything does not have to be perfect: Reflections of an Occupational Therapist career mom

As a working mom of two children, I find it easier than ever to become overwhelmed with simply managing the day-to- day responsibilities of career, kids, life. I think we all feel like that from time to time regardless of whether or not children or a career are present. It is in this state that we tend to lose sight of the…
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Embodying Academic Readiness

As the sights and the sounds of the fall season begin to transform, it is also undeniable that the new school year is fully underway. Children’s backpacks are getting heavier as more and more homework is sent home, parent teacher conferences loom on the horizon, and the warm summer days of playing outside for hours at a time seem like a distant…
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What’s In an Activity? Unlocking a Client’s Power Through Precise Sensory Motor Activation

We need to work together to find the activity that unlocks the most power “We need to unlock the magic code to find the power in your body. I have some ideas, but we need to work together to find the activity that unlocks the most power. Can you help me?” These are the words I spoke to my new client, Aiden…
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