Astronaut Training – A Sound Activated Vestibular-Visual Protocol
This online course teaches a protocol to provide precise input to all five vestibular receptors, along with auditory and visual input to create a comprehensive treatment protocol which integrates the vestibular-auditory-visual triad. Guidelines are provided for safe, effective use of this protocol with clients of all ages and diagnoses.
Which Vital Links Course is Right for You?

If you find yourself looking at the course offering selections and are unsure where to start, we’re here to help. The courses offered at Vital Links were developed out of therapeutic interest in certain topic areas that eventually informed our clinical practice and clinical reasoning. All of our courses aim to provide the theoretical underpinnings, as well as, case studies and video…
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Quickshifts – Revolutionizing the Use of Sound in Sensorimotor Integrative Treatment
This course focuses on evaluating movement to precisely and effectively match music to individual client needs to improve self-regulation from a multi-system approach. We will explore the Quickshift music albums that capitalize on the powerful impact of binaural beat technology and musical entrainment.
Quickshifts – Revolutionizing the Use of Sound in Sensorimotor Integrative Treatment
This course focuses on evaluating movement to precisely and effectively match music to individual client needs to improve self-regulation from a multi-system approach. We will
explore the Quickshifts music albums that capitalize on the powerful impact of binaural beat technology and musical entrainment.
Should I use Modulated Music or Quickshifts?

For the last 17 years, the hallmark series in the Therapeutic Listening® library consisted of the modulated albums. Recently, the new Quickshift series has proved to be a powerful adjunct to any treatment session or home program. However, therapists sometimes wonder how and when to implement each series of music? These two series of albums can be used independent of one another or…
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