Which Vital Links Course is Right for You?

If you find yourself looking at the course offering selections and are unsure where to start, we’re here to help.
The courses offered at Vital Links were developed out of therapeutic interest in certain topic areas that eventually informed our clinical practice and clinical reasoning. All of our courses aim to provide the theoretical underpinnings, as well as, case studies and video examples to emphasize key points essential for clinical reasoning and practical clinical application.While each course is specific to a certain topic/practice area, the truth of the matter is we are often blending concepts and activities from various courses within our own treatment sessions.
With this background, we have highlighted our four foundational Vital Links courses. These courses highlight concepts and clinical tools that we utilize on a daily basis within the clinic. When deciding what courses to take, we recommend starting with:
- one body-based course (Building Blocks for Sensory Integration or Astronaut Training)
- one auditory-tool course (Quickshifts or Therapeutic Listening®).
After you have incorporated these concepts, we encourage you to add in additional courses of your choosing. It is our hope that this combination of workshops and therapeutic tools will provide a unique contribution to your own clinical practice. Happy Learning!