From Eyesight to Insight – Visual and Vestibular Assessment and Treatment
This online course offers a practical opportunity for participants to interact with a sensory integrative occupational therapist and a developmental optometrist as they collaborate on the goal of facilitating optimum performance in children with movement and vision issues.
Astronaut Training – A Sound Activated Vestibular-Visual Protocol
This online course teaches a protocol to provide precise input to all five vestibular receptors, along with auditory and visual input to create a comprehensive treatment protocol which integrates the vestibular-auditory-visual triad. Guidelines are provided for safe, effective use of this protocol with clients of all ages and diagnoses.
These treatment activities will support core activation if…

…the child is able to: assume the position against gravity while maintaining alignment of the head, neck, spine and limb girdles sustain alignment while demonstrating an unrestricted, dynamic breath maintain quality of control and strength of the head, neck, and spine with visual focus demonstrate continued strength and endurance while participating in activity in all planes of movement If you are missing…
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Science behind functional outcomes: rhythm and the vestibular system

Since the inception of Therapeutic Listening® 23 years ago, I have had multiple conversations with therapists and parents alike questioning: How is it possible that filtered music can have such a widespread impact on functional outcomes? The answer to this question is rooted in the science behind music, rhythm, and the inner ear. As I think back to my initial experiences using…
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What’s In an Activity? Unlocking a Client’s Power Through Precise Sensory Motor Activation

We need to work together to find the activity that unlocks the most power “We need to unlock the magic code to find the power in your body. I have some ideas, but we need to work together to find the activity that unlocks the most power. Can you help me?” These are the words I spoke to my new client, Aiden…
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