Whole Brain Processing – Clinical Conversation
Learning is supported by the brain’s ability to adequately process information from the body and the environment. This incoming input is organized in vertical and horizontal information processing streams which strengthen whole-brain processing. This free clinical conversation will discuss various sensorimotor and sound-based strategies to facilitate whole brain processing, support emotional regulation, and executive functioning. We’re offering this free webinar to teachers,…
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The Use of the Therapeutic Listening App in Home Programming
Since the inception of the new App for Therapeutic Listening many therapists ask how we use Therapeutic Listening in our clinic. In the clinic, we continue to use the SanDisk Clip Player by inserting a music chip and attaching it to the top of the headphones. This allows the kids to have freedom to move and play. However, we use the Therapeutic Listening®…
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A Musical Spotlight – Nature Classics
Today, we’re shining a spotlight on a recent addition within the Modulated Music series, the Nature Classics album. We, along with our colleagues from Read More
Beyond Modulated Music: Continuing the Therapeutic Listening® Progression
Results from quantitative and qualitative research identify that the addition of Therapeutic Listening to occupational therapy services supports improvements in performance skills and client factors (fine-motor, social skills, visual-motor, arousal regulation, attention) that influence occupational participation (Bazyk, Cimino, Hayers, Goodman, & Farrell, 2010; Hall, & Case-Smith, 2007; Wink, McKeown, and Casey, 2017). If you have found that the addition of the Modulated Therapeutic Listening albums has augmented your practice, you may want to consider other albums within the Therapeutic Listening Library to expand your programming. Read More
HELP! My client won’t wear their headphones!
To celebrate the launch of our new SOUNDS headphones, we’re going to walk you through our tips and tricks to encourage consistent headphone use for your clients. The SOUNDS is our newest model of Therapeutic Listening headphones, and was designed using all of the feedback and suggestions from our clients, making these are our most comfortable and easy-to-use model yet! However, if…
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